Behavioral Health Affordable Care Act (BHACA) Initiative: The Behavioral Health Affordable Care Act (BHACA) Initiative was a major collaborative endeavor of the Network of Behavioral Health Providers (NBHP) and Mental Health America of Greater Houston (MHA) designed to support Greater Houston area mental health and substance use providers in responding to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and other recent healthcare reforms across our four domains: (1) enhancing and increasing the delivery of integrated health care (IHC), (2) maximizing third party funding streams revenue, (3) adopting certified electronic health records (EHR), and (4) developing outcome-based evaluations. The BHACA Initiative was generously funded by Houston Endowment Inc., The Meadows Foundation, the United Way of Greater Houston Community Response Fund and the Rockwell Fund. While BHACA formally ended November 30, 2016, resources are still available by visiting the BHACA section of this website.
To view a copy of the BHACA Final Report, click here.
To view a copy of the BHACA Final Report, click here.